Daily Meditation: Sunday, November 3, 2024
Education - teach children to establish a connection with heaven
The foremost task of an educator is to awaken in children a sense of the divine world and of the hierarchy of celestial creatures ascending all the way to the throne of God. Yes, it is essential to instil in the souls and spirits of the younger generation the idea that a sublime world exists, to which they can turn for strength, courage and inspiration, not only in difficulties and trials, but in all circumstances of daily life as well. Of course, you should not expect young people to know and relate to the divine world immediately, even if they have been instructed in the truths of Initiatic Science. No, but they will always be able to draw on spiritual resources through this connection they will have learned to establish with heaven, and an inner world of great riches and power will always be at their disposal. And at times when other young people may despair, break down, or succumb to criminal ways, they will advance, improve and become wonderful examples.*
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov