Read the thought of the day
of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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Daily Meditations 2024

Daily Meditation: Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Disciples - one of the reasons why they may not make progress

One of the reasons why disciples may not make progress is that they allow themselves to indulge in many activities that have nothing to do with their spiritual advancement, imagining that these activities will not pull them away from the heights they aim to reach. Not so. In reality, if you allow yourself to dabble in this and try a bit of that without bothering to examine the quality of these experiences, the moment you want to rise to a higher state of awareness, you will find yourself tied down and unable to free yourself. Of course, if you do not have a high ideal or the desire to become a magnificent being, for yourselves and for others, you may do whatever you want. Why deprive yourselves? But if you nourish a very elevated spiritual ideal, you are obliged to be very cautious and very vigilant, choosing only activities that do not conflict with your ideal.*

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Syntaxes of research

word1 word2: search on at least one of the two words.
+word1 +word2: search on both words.
"word1 word2": search on the expression between" ".
word*: searches on the beginning of the word, whatever the end of the word.
-word: the word behind - is excluded from the search.